
Inspiring Wellness, One Smile at A Time

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Dentist Orland Park IL

Dentist 60462 – Five Reasons Men Have More Oral Health Issues

If we asked people on the street whether they think men or women have more oral health issues, the responses would probably be fairly split. After all, what does our gender have to do with our teeth? Apparently, at least a little bit. While there’s nothing intrinsically different about our teeth or the way we […]

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Dentist Orland Park IL

Orland Park Family Dentist – What to Know About Pregnancy and Oral Health

Pregnancy can be such a wonderful experience, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t also a time of discomfort. You often feel tired, especially in the first trimester and late into the third trimester. Your moods can change quickly and suddenly. In addition to these emotional and mental changes, pregnancy brings about many physical changes, too…

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Dentist Orland Park IL

Dentist Near Me – Bridges vs. Implants: Which Option is Best for You

Bridges vs Dental Implants, Which Option Is Best For You? First, let’s talk a little bit about each procedure in case you aren’t that familiar with them: Dental Bridges A dental bridge is a custom-made tooth (or teeth) that attaches to the surrounding teeth and fills the space where you had one or more teeth

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Orland Park Kids Dentist – Three Oral Habits in Children That Can Lead to Future Dental Issues

If you have kids, you know that a big part of your job is making sure they’re learning the skills and information they need to get ahead in life. This job never seems to end; you have to make sure they learn how to read, how to eat a healthy diet, and of course, how

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Orland Park Dentist – Did You Know Dental Cavities Are Contagious?

Did the title of this blog post make you do a double take? We get it. No one really ever talks about how dental cavities can spread from one person to another, but they absolutely can! A proper oral health routine that includes brushing twice a day for at least two minutes each time and

Orland Park Dentist – Did You Know Dental Cavities Are Contagious? Read More »

Veneers vs Crowns

Veneers vs Crowns: The Differences and Practical Uses

For those seeking a smile makeover, understanding the difference between veneers vs. crowns can ensure that you receive the proper treatment for your oral condition. We absolutely love doing dental makeovers for patients who feel insecure about their smile due to chips, missing teeth, discoloration, or unwanted gaps. It is such a gift to be

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Chicago Tongue Tie

Chicago Tongue Tie – Frenectomy AKA Tongue Tie Release: Why do it & Who needs it?

What Is Tongue Tie? Ankloglossia, also know as tongue tie, is a congenital condition that inhibits the proper function of the tongue as early as infancy. The lingual frenum is a ligament that is an artifact that is supposed to be removed by apoptosis, programmed cell death, when an infant is in the womb growing,

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