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Losing Baby Teeth: A Guide for Parents

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Kids start to lose their baby teeth, also called primary teeth, around the age of five or six. If you’re a first-time parent of a child around that age, you probably have some questions about losing baby teeth that you can’t really find answers for.

There’s a lot of personal anecdotes on the internet (and some horror stories) from parents whose children have lost teeth, but we thought it would be a good idea to dedicate a blog post to some common questions we receive on this topic.

So, without further ado, here are some of the top questions we get from parents about losing baby teeth!

What Happens If They Swallow the Tooth?

This is a question that comes up a lot because it happens so often. You’re always hearing about a kiddo who swallowed their baby tooth accidentally. They’re often very sad at first because they don’t think the tooth fairy will come! 

Once you assure them that it isn’t the case, you want to just watch to make sure it passes naturally. Don’t try to make them throw up the tooth or give them a laxative, as these things can cause more harm.

How Can I Safely Pull My Child’s Tooth Out?

A lot of kids are squeamish about pulling a tooth out or even having a parent do it for them. They’ll leave the tooth in their mouth even if it’s barely hanging on. This increases the risk that they’ll accidentally swallow it, especially with their food. 

The fact of the matter is, we shouldn’t be forcefully pulling teeth out before they’re ready. It can cause pain or damage the socket and possibly even the surrounding teeth if it’s pulled too early. The ADA has a good video on how to pull your child’s tooth out safely.

My Child’s Eight But He/She Hasn’t Lost a Tooth Yet. Is This Normal?

As with anything, there’s a range to what’s normal. Most kids lose their first tooth around the age of six or seven, but some kids take longer. If your child starts to lose teeth before the age of four or hasn’t lost a tooth by the time they turn eight, you might want to check with your dentist to make sure everything looks healthy.

Oh, and as you’re waiting for teeth to fall out, keep in mind that usually, your child’s baby teeth will fall out in the order that they came in. That usually means the front two teeth will be the first to go.

What if New Teeth Start Coming in Before the Old Ones Have Fallen Out?

Sometimes, their permanent teeth will come in before the primary teeth are ready to fall out. If this happens, you’ll see two rows of teeth. This is totally fine and the issue will typically resolve itself without needing intervention from their dentist.

What Should I Do for Excessive Bleeding?

There should be minimal bleeding when a child loses a baby tooth naturally. For bleeding, you’ll want to apply gentle pressure, preferably with a piece of sterile gauze. After a few minutes, the bleeding should stop. If the bleeding is more excessive or doesn’t stop after a few minutes, you’ll want to give our office a call right away at 708-398-9294.

What Does the Tooth Fairy Pay These Days for Teeth?

Some parents are just curious about what teeth are “going for” these days. Silly parents! But, just in case you were wondering the same, the Original Tooth Fairy Poll® reported that prices have actually fallen recently. The tooth fairy has been paying an average of $4.96 for first timers and an average of $3.70 per tooth after that.

Do you have questions about what to expect when your child starts losing baby teeth? Feel free to call our office anytime! There’s no such thing as a silly question, and we love to share our knowledge with parents and patients of all ages!

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